Why do i have to use the new version of skype
Why do i have to use the new version of skype

why do i have to use the new version of skype

However, the new theory is still very controversial.

why do i have to use the new version of skype

What the textual critics of a century ago were saying, and what the new versions are saying, is that a large amount of the New Testament read, believed, preached, and obeyed by most of our spiritual forefathers was actually uninspired material added to the text! If this new textual theory were true, it would be revolutionary news to the church. Something similar is done to the great commission in Mark 16:9-20. "The earliest and most reliable manuscripts do not have John 7:53 - 8:11." A note is placed in relation to the bracketed section that says something like this: When the reader comes to John 7:53 - 8:11 even in conservative translations such as the New American Standard Bible or the New International Version, he finds the whole story of the woman taken in adultery set apart with lines or brackets. This new text is significantly different from the traditional text. Almost all of the new versions are actually translations of the new Greek text generated by this committee. Although that text represented the New Testament as it had been accepted by most Christians over the centuries, it was spurned because it disagreed with some of the older manuscripts. It was decided by them that the Greek text of the New Testament used in the translation of the old Bible was seriously defective. In the late 1800's, a committee of British and American scholars began work on a revision of the King James Bible. Many in the pew do not know that most of the more than 100 new versions of the Bible are not translated from the same Hebrew and Greek texts that the King James translators used! When somebody says that the translation of a certain verse in the King James Version is "unfortunate," usually the problem is text rather than translation. Other versions, such as the Phillips translation and the the New English Bible, were also produced by liberal or neo-orthodox religionists. His theological bias ruins his translation. Bratcher also replaces the word "virgin" with "girl" in Luke 1:27. The Good News Bible (or, properly, Today's English Version) was translated by neo-orthodox Richard Bratcher, and purposely replaces the word "blood" with the word "death" in many New Testament passages that refer to the blood of Christ (such as Colossians 1:20, Hebrews 10:19, and Revelation 1:5). Not only is the doctrine of the virgin birth undermined in the Revised Standard Version, but also the doctrine of the infallibility of the Bible! No fundamentalist Christian would accept as his standard a theologically liberal translation of the Bible like the R.S.V. To make matters worse, this liberal version translates Matthew 1:23, "Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son." This is a correct rendering of the Greek, but with the incorrect translation of Isaiah 7:14 in the same Bible, the impression is given that Matthew misquoted Isaiah. The word used in the original Hebrew has long been understood to mean specifically a virgin in this context, and is incorrectly rendered "young woman" by the R.S.V. The old Bible says that "a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son." The liberal bias against the doctrine of the virgin birth of Christ is reflected in the R.S.V. The difference between this reading and the way the verse reads in the King James Version is very important. Behold a young woman shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." (Revised Standard Version) "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign.

why do i have to use the new version of skype

The unbelieving bias of the majority of the translators is evident in such readings as Isaiah 7:14:

why do i have to use the new version of skype

It was authorized by the notoriously liberal National Council of Churches. The Revised Standard Version of the Bible was presented to the public as a completed work in 1952. Some new Bibles are dangerous because of the theological bias of their translators. We are going to keep the old Bible for several compelling reasons. The abandonment of the King James Bible by our churches has not been a good thing. The new versions are not really better than the old one. It is our view that the production of these new translations has served to undermine the spiritual foundations of our country and weaken the message of her churches. The multiplication of "modern language" English Bibles is one of the most important religious phenomena of recent years. Ours is a church that has decided to stick to the old "King James Version" of the Bible. Why We Use The King James Version of the Bible

Why do i have to use the new version of skype